Germany’s Ministry of Health: 1 in 5,000 Germans Have Suffered ‘Serious Side Effects’ from COVID Injections

by Debra Heine


After aggressively pushing the COVID vaccines on the people, Germany’s Ministry of Health admitted on Wednesday that one in five thousand Germans have suffered “serious side effects” after being injected with the genetic products.

The Germans tried to implement a mandatory COVID vaccination policy for the entire population earlier this year, and locked down the unvaccinated over the winter months, barring  unvaccinated Germans from entering “restaurants, pubs, cinemas, gyms, cultural events, and non-essential shops.” The German federal parliament rejected the compulsory vaccine proposal in April, but not before over 76 percent of the German people were fully vaccinated.

“One in 5000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a COVID19 #Impfung [Vaccine]. If you suspect #Nebenwirkungen [side effects], get medical attention and report your symptoms to @PEI_Germany [Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s institute for vaccines and biometrics]” tweeted the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit [Federal Ministry of Health].


“It’s nice that you point it out now!,” one Twitter user responded in German.

According to PEI Germany, the serious adverse events occur per dose—not patients—therefore, the real numbers appear to be worse than the ministry reported.

“Contrary to what the ministry says, the risk of 1:5000 for serious side effects does not relate to people, but to doses,” tweeted Stefan Homburg, Professor of Public Economics at Leibniz University. “With five doses per person, the calculated risk is already 1:1000.”

While serious side effects are reportedly high in Germany, data from the German Bureau of Statistics are showing a very large drop in births and abortions starting in January this year. This data, while concerning, is not surprising given the latest studies are showing significant fertility risks for men and women.

The pro-vaccine narrative is unraveling throughout the world as evidence continues to come in that the jabs are not only ineffective, but dangerous.

In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has compiled more than 1.3 million reports of vaccine-implicated “adverse events,” ranging from mild to severe, including 29,000 deaths. Yet, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to claim the injections are “safe and effective.” The CDC however recently admitted that the agency has not been analyzing the database for COVID-vaccine safety signals. The admission was revealed in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by Children’s Health Defense (CHD).

Since the vaccine mandates were implemented last fall, life insurance companies have shown an alarming rise in “non-pandemic-related morbidity.”

Last December, the head of an Indianapolis-based insurance company announced that the death rate among working-age people in the state had shot up a stunning 40 percent from pre-pandemic levels, providing further evidence that the vaccine mandates are doing more harm than good.

Lincoln National, a much larger life insurance company, reported last month a 163 percent increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

The annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021.

The same phenomenon is being seen in Great Britain, where there has been 9,500 excess non-COVID deaths in last eleven weeks, according to official data.

…the cause of the deaths appears to be largely related to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Cancer deaths are, perhaps surprisingly given the withdrawal of healthcare access during the pandemic, broadly at normal levels, suggesting there is something other than lack of access to healthcare going on.

In Canada, official government figures show that vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID, “even after adjusting for fact they’re older than the unvaccinated,” independent journalist Alex Berenson reported on his Substack.

In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in Manitoba occurred among unvaccinated people, even though they are 17 percent of the population.

The lockdown havens of Australia and New Zealand were held up as success stories by the media, but both countries are now struggling with high rates of infection.

Since Omicron arrived in December, Australia has had an unending COVID wave,” Berenson reported. 

In the last six weeks, 656 people have died of Covid in New South Wales, Australia’s largest state. More than 85 percent were vaccinated, and most of them had been boosted.

Even more concerning, Australia has also had a large increase in non-Covid deaths. During the first three months of 2022, Australia had almost 20 percent more deaths than normal. Even excluding Covid deaths, deaths were almost 10 percent above normal. Figures for April and May from Victoria, its second-largest state, suggest excess deaths have risen even further since then and may be running 30 percent above normal – a stunningly high level.

It is hard to overstate what the unspooling crisis in Australia may mean for vaccine and lockdown advocates. Because it so successfully contained Covid in 2020 and 2021 and then used mRNA and DNA/AAV vaccines so aggressively, Australia is a near-perfect test case for what Omicron and future variants will do to a population that was mass vaccinated before being exposed to Covid.

New Zealand, which has the highest percentage of vaccinated people on earth, is tightening its COVID restrictions as the virus threatens to run out of control.

Nearly all of the cases have come post vaccination.

“Even the most indoctrinated are now asking questions,” tweeted the popular Aussie anti-vax Twitter account RiseMelbourne. “The narrative is crumbling.”

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Debra Heine is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. 





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